Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sources... are they missing?

After viewing many blogs which discuss, the difference between being an Evidence-Based genealogist or a Conclusion-Based genealogist, I was prompted to go back and examine the software and website presentation that I'm currently using. In Family Tree Maker 2012 (FTM2012), I always input all variations of a "fact element" and attach the source materials to that element. For instance my grandfather has 14 sources attached to his "name fact" in my FTM2012 database. As I find variations of his name, I record each variation, and attach the source to support that variation, and the program allows me to pick a "preferred" fact. This is useful because it helps me keep track of and sort out where all of these variations came from, and I can even "rate" the source materials based on a 4-star rating built into the software. I consider this valuable information as I work up my conclusions on the facts that surround my ancestor's life. While it is commonly known that FTM2012 (and now FTM2014) syncs with your tree resident on the website, what I hadn't really taken note of is that the website is really a "Conclusion" presentation of my data, if the viewer only sees the data on the OVERVIEW tab.

In my case, my grandfather only has one source attached to the Birth fact marked as "Preferred" in my FTM2012 database.  When FTM2012/14 is synced with the Ancestry member tree, the person's OVERVIEW tab on the member tree profile will only display the preferred fact and source(s) attached.  The viewer must go deeper into the profile and click on the FACTS AND SOURCES tab to fully view all of the source citations linked to any fact with alternate variations.  At first glance the novice website user may judge the sourcing to be sparse when so few sources are cited on the OVERVIEW page.  If you visit's member trees looking for your family, please be sure to review the sources listed in the FACTS AND SOURCES tab to ensure you are viewing the complete source citations for that individual.

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